What to pack for a trip to Patagonia

As a start you should know that Patagonian weather is unpredictable and when packing for a trip to Patagonia you should prepare to experience all 4 seasons in one day. It is influenced by many variables, from the conditions in the Andes to the wind in Antarctica or the southern ice fields in Patagonia, as well as the microclimate in its valleys, fjords and mountains.

In spring and fall, temperatures can drop to between 5°C (30°F) and 15 °C (60°F), with higher rainfall (particularly in September and April). In summer, you can expect temperatures that hover between 7 °C ( 30°F) and 8°C (60°F) and have very windy days; just remember, it always feels warmer than this when the sun’s out and you’re hiking!

The below list is for hikers participating in an organized trekking tour and does neither consider camping equipment (tent, mat or sleeping bag) nor food. Once signed up for one of our hiking adventures in Patagonia, you will received a personalized packing list, adapted to the tour you booked.

Packing List:

Inner-layer of clothing:

• Underwear
• Moisture wicking long sleeve tee-shirts (2)
• Moisture wicking tee-shirt (1)
• Long underwear pants

Outer-layer of clothing:

• Sweatshirt
• Heavy fleece or down jacket
• Fleece pants
• Trekking pants (2)
• Shorts (optional)
• Gortex or waterproof jacket with hood
• Rain poncho that covers your back pack
• Waterproof pants
• Wide brimmed hat for sun protection
• Wool hat (should cover ears) or balaclava
• Insulated wool or down mittens
• Gaiters (optional)

Footwear – shoes and socks:

• Waterproof hiking boots with ankle support (Please break in your hiking boots in advance to avoid blisters)
• Camp shoes or tennis shoes (for evening time in the lodges and/ or campsites)
• Plastic bag to carry spare shoes
• Hiking socks (5-6) (We recommend bringing extra socks)
• Sock liners (optional)

First aid and toiletries:

• Advil or Ibuprofen
• Personal prescriptions
• Medical tape/moleskin (for preventing and treating blisters)
• Antibiotics (Cipro for travelers’ diarrhea)
• Diaper rash cream (can treat rashes or chaffing)
• Basic toiletries (soap, deodorant…)
• Face lotion
• Hand warmers
• Ear plugs for sleeping
• Sunscreen
• Lip Balm with sunscreen

Other Important Items:

• A small first aid kit
• Toiletries (including bug spray and sun cream)
• Adapter for charging electronic devices while in the lodges
• Towel (quick drying recommended)
• Sunglasses and a sun hat


• Passport & correct entry forms
• Driving licence (if hiring a car)
• Air tickets
• Cash and CC
• Copy of insurance documents & passport

Note: Sleeping bags and trekking poles are provided by IDEAS. If you are camping during your trek, we will provide you with high quality camping equipment including a tent, sleeping bag and sleeping pad.

What to Bring if you do the W-trek or O Circuit in Torres del Paine

If you are doing a trek in Patagonia, such as the W trek or the O circuit in Torres del Paine, you will need to make sure you are extra prepared so you can keep warm and dry in the changeable Patagonian weather:

Type of Luggage

• Bring a backpack over a suitcase. Choosing the right backpack will be invaluable to your comfort on hikes. Ensure your backpack fits properly, is lightweight, has compartments for easy access to water bottles, and is waterproof or has a cover.

• Regarding size, shorter treks where you don't need to carry a tent or food will generally require a 35-40L backpack. If you will be hiking for multiple days and carrying all of your kit, you should upgrade to a bigger bag.

• We would also advise taking a dry bag to fit the size of your backpack to ensure key items remain dry in the case of very wet conditions.

Type of Luggage

• Bring a backpack over a suitcase. Choosing the right backpack will be invaluable to your comfort on hikes. Ensure your backpack fits properly, is lightweight, has compartments for easy access to water bottles, and is waterproof or has a cover.

• Regarding size, shorter treks where you don't need to carry a tent or food will generally require a 35-40L backpack. If you will be hiking for multiple days and carrying all of your kit, you should upgrade to a bigger bag.

• We would also advise taking a dry bag to fit the size of your backpack to ensure key items remain dry in the case of very wet conditions.


• A pair of hiking trousers that are breathable and light are a must, as these will dry out quickly after rain and will keep you from getting too warm when hiking long distances. A few wicking tops and fleeces are important to stop you from getting too sweaty while hiking. Cotton does not dry as quickly, or keep you as warm during active days.

• You will need to make sure you have a waterproof jacket and trousers, preferably goretex, to keep you dry in any downpours.

• You will definitely appreciate packing a change of clothes for post hike around the hut or camp, so you're not stuck in your dirty hiking gear!


• As Patagonia can be known to experience all 4 seasons in 1 day, even if you are visiting in summer it is worth packing a winter hat, gloves and a scarf or buff. Equally, you should make sure you have a sun hat and sunglasses packed for when the sun comes out!

Other Important Items

• A refillable water bottle or hydration system is extremely important. Water is refilled from the streams and taps in Torres del Paine National Park. These are clean sources and will not need to be filtered. However if you would prefer, you can bring your own filter or purification tablets, or purchase bottled water at Refugios.

• When hiking for several days, trekking poles can be a good idea as these provide extra stability for anyone who has issues with their knees, and they can also be useful for providing an extra bit of balance. They are typically quite light and don't take up much space in your luggage.

• If you will be staying at Refugio Torre Central, there are lockers available to store your valuables in, so make sure you bring a small lock if you wish to use these.

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